
April 19, 2024
5:00–8:00 pm
Gallery 400
400 S. Peoria
Join us for the closing reception of See Saw Seen: 2024 UIC MFA Thesis Show. Cascading through layers of observation and perception, this 2024 MFA cohort reveals diverse artistic practices. The candidates probe educational theory as it applies to the art world, portraiture of the self and collective within the margins of a global society, reconnaissance in archives, the inherent qualities of materials and their relation to artistic social spheres, and communication in writing, philosophy, and visual culture. Through wide-ranging media, they assess whether the value of art is determined by the audience looking or through the artists’ independent views.
The UIC MFA Program facilitates an expansive reckoning for how creative practitioners exist at grassroots, academic, city, and global levels of the art world. It instigates introspection into how artwork functions to a broad audience, how it lives in each candidate’s niches, and how autonomous voices enhance personal relationships to art.
ACCESS INFORMATION: This program is free and open to the public. For questions and access accommodations, please check our Accessibility page or email gallery400engagement@gmail.com.